Jessica fell in love with qigong in massage school in 2009, where she was exposed to it as part of her Shiatsu training. Over the next three years, she played with a handful of modalities until Sheng Zhen found her in 2012, the day she suffered a severe panic attack. She immediately recognized the power of this particular style of qigong and dove into a daily practice that helped her recover. This practice transformed her. Peace, tranquility and centeredness became her new norm. And now she loves to share this practice with others! Her clients and students can attest to the power of this work and her transformation through it.

Jessica has a bodywork and energy work practice in Boulder, CO. She teaches Integrative Massage, Shiatsu, and Qigong for Healing Spirits Massage Training Program and the HeartMind Shiatsu Professional Training. She is a teacher-in-training for Sheng Zhen Gong, the Qigong of Unconditional Love. And she integrates her passion for spirituality, teaching and the healing arts with travel through her new business, Integral Travel.


